Marketing awards for design, copywriting and brand programs.

Yet marketing awards aren’t the final goal.

Although we’ve earned hundreds of awards for our work in 40 years, our goal is creating strategies, brands and design systems that deliver results.

We’re proud to say we’ve been successful at both — awards and results. Clients in education, food products, consumer services, business services, healthcare, financial services, manufacturing and not-for-profits have told us they appreciate our collaboration, thoughtfulness and total focus on what works.


CASE – Council for Advancement and Support of Education

  • Linfield College Junior Mailer: 25th Annual CASE District VIII Juried Communication Awards, 2006: Bronze
  • Linfield College Senior Viewbook: 24th Annual CASE District VIII Juried Communication Awards, 2005: Bronze
  • Linfield College "Start Thinking” Mailer: CASE Awards, Circle of Excellence, 2002, Visual Design in Print: Bronze

CASE Awards, District V111 2002

  • Linfield College Senior Viewbook/Poster: Publications — Senior Viewbook: Gold
  • Linfield College Junior Viewbook: Publications — Overall Design: Silver
  • Linfield College Sophomore Postcard: Direct Mail: Silver
  • Linfield College Fair Handout: Special Publications: Silver
  • Linfield College Visit Piece: Overall Design: Silver
  • Linfield College “Start Thinking” Mailer: Student Recruitment Publications: Silver
  • Linfield College Junior Track Series: Total Recruitment Package: Silver
  • Linfield College Junior Viewbook: Publications — Junior Viewbook: Bronze

Admissions Marketing Awards

  • Linfield College Search Piece: 24th Annual Admissions Marketing Awards, 2008: Bronze
  • Linfield College Travel Piece: 24th Annual Admissions Marketing Awards, 2008: Merit
  • Linfield College Admitted Students Package: 23rd Annual Admissions Marketing Awards, 2007: Silver
  • Linfield College Travel Brochure: 23rd Annual Admissions Marketing Awards, 2007: Merit
  • Linfield College Senior Suite: 22nd Annual Admissions Marketing Awards, 2006, Total Recruitment Package, School under 2000 Students: Gold
  • Linfield College Football Ad: 21st Annual Admissions Marketing Awards, 2005, Newspaper Advertising, Single Ad, School under 2000 Students: Merit
  • Linfield College Junior Suite: 21st Annual Admissions Marketing Awards, 2005, Total Recruitment Package, School under 2000 Students: Merit
  • Linfield College Senior Viewbook: 20th Annual Admissions Marketing Awards, 2004: Bronze
  • Linfield College Start Thinking Mailer: 19th Annual Admissions Marketing Awards, 2003, Direct Mail: Bronze
  • Linfield College Senior Track Series: 19th Annual Admissions Marketing Awards, 2003, Total Recruitment Package: Merit
  • Linfield College Fair Handout: 19th Annual Admissions Marketing Awards, 2003, Special Publications: Merit

International Davey Awards

  • Linfield College Senior Viewbook: International Davey Awards, 2005, Education, Publications: Silver

Service Industry Advertising Awards

  • Linfield College Travel Piece: Service Industry Advertising Awards, 2008, Brochure: Merit
  • Linfield College Senior Viewbook: Service Industry Advertising Awards, 2005, Publication/External/ Educational Services: Merit


CUNA – Credit Union National Association

  • SELCO Community Credit Union, Youth Programs: Credit Union National Association Marketing and Business Development Council, 2009: Merit
  • SELCO Community Credit Union, New Member Welcome Package: Credit Union National Association Marketing and Business Development Council, 2006: Diamond Award

Service Industry Advertising Awards

  • Church Extension Plan Partners magazine: Service Industry Advertising Awards, 2015, Publication: Gold
  • Church Extension Plan General Council Promotional Bag: Ninth Annual Service Industry Advertising Awards, 2011, Imprinted Materials: Gold
  • Church Extension Plan Investment Mailer: Ninth Annual Service Industry Advertising Awards, 2011, Direct Mail: Silver
  • Church Extension Plan Overview Brochure: Ninth Annual Service Industry Advertising Awards, 2011, Brochure: Merit
  • Umpqua Bank Golf Invitation: Service Industry Advertising Awards, 2008: Merit
  • First Federal Local People Ads: Service Industry Advertising Awards, 2005, Newspaper Advertising — Financial Services: Bronze


Healthcare Advertising Awards

  • Salem Health Brand Training/Packet Including PowerPoint, User Guide, ID Guide: 28th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards, 2011, Employee Communication Program: Bronze
  • Salem Hospital Physician Leadership Institute Brochure and Supporting Materials: 28th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards, 2011, Physician Referral Program: Merit
  • Salem Hospital Patient Menu Layouts: 28th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards, 2011, Patient Handbook: Silver

International Davey Awards 2005

  • Salem Hospital Special Care Nursery Brochure: International Davey Awards, 2005, Healthcare Services — Publications: Gold
  • Salem Hospital Health Summit Invitation: International Davey Awards, 2005, Healthcare Services — Invitations: Silver


ReBrand 100 Awards

International Davey Awards


Summit International Awards

  • McMinnville Downtown Association TasteMac campaign: Summit International Creative Awards, 2015, Integrated campaign: Bronze

Service Industry Advertising Awards

  • McMinnville Downtown Association TasteMac campaign: Service Industry Advertising Awards, 2015, Integrated campaign: Silver

Rebrand 100 Awards

International Davey Awards

International Brand Packaging Awards

  • NORPAC Foods Packaging for Soup Supreme: International Brand Packaging Awards, 1997: Outstanding Creativity in Package and Identity Design

The Paperboard Packaging Council

  • NORPAC Foods Packaging for Soup Supreme: The Paperboard Packaging Council, 1997: Award for Excellence in Graphic Design

American Corporate Identity

  • NORPAC Foods Packaging for “Just Add” Products: American Corporate Identity, #14: Award of Excellence


Summit International Awards

ReBrand 100 Awards

Service Industry Advertising Awards

International Davey Awards

American Corporate Identity

  • Capital Manor Identity and Letterhead Design: American Corporate Identity, #14: Award of Excellence

Best of Business Card Design

  • Roth Heating and Cooling Business Card and Identity: Best of Business Card Design, #4

Creativity 28

  • Salem Area Transit “Floating Heads” Consumer Campaign and Billboard: Creativity 28: Award of Distinction

Rockport Publishers

  • Loaves and Fishes Logo Identity and Stationery: Rockport Publishers: Award of Distinction for Letterhead and Logo Design

The Portland Club Gallery of Supreme Printing

  • Western Oregon Waste WOW Town News: The Portland Club Gallery of Supreme Printing, 2005, Newsletter: Gold

Identity and Self-Promotion

Summit International Creative Awards

  • Holiday Card, Creative Company Coasters: Summit International Creative Awards, 2012: Bronze
  • Holiday Card, Creative Company Coasters: Summit International Creative Awards, 2011: Bronze

ReBrand 100 Awards

  • Enterprise Rebrand for an Entire Company: ReBrand 100 Awards, 2008: Notable

Creativity Annual Awards

  • Corporate Identity Program: Creativity Annual Awards, 2007: Silver

Service Industry Advertising Awards

  • New Brand Identity and Launch Materials: Service Industry Advertising Awards, 2007: Gold

Best of Business Card Design

  • Creative Company Business Card and Identity: Best of Business Card Design, #4


I have to compliment you – over the years I’ve worked with multiple “marketing” people. Some are OK, some are great, and very few are marketing impresarios (got it all together). You re one of those few – and it’s not just my opinion, I’ve gotten feedback from others you've worked with.

Steve Smith, President, Tec Laboratories