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Kevin Renner, President, BrandNew

Our latest series: Rebrand for success

#1 Is it time to ditch the past and seize your future?

In the first of this series, you are challenged to examine how things have changed for you, your audiences and in your marketing. A rebrand could bring new focus and energy. It's time to review your positioning and plan for the future, not hang on to the past. [ Read more ]

#2 Excellent rebranding questions answered

That first email spurred a reader to ask a series of excellent questions about rebranding. Why change what's working? Will I lose recognition? What about name and website? Great questions ... all answered. Hint: A rebrand doesn't require a new name, but a new name requires a rebrand. [ Read more ]

#3 No rebrand yet? Then rethink your website

Even if you're not ready for a rebrand, you must evaluate your website for today's audiences and for Google. After all, if Google doesn't like your site, it won't show up. Include content for your visitors and positioning to show who you are and what you offer in 3 seconds. [ Read more ]

#4 Who are those people? What do they expect?

In this issue we explore the importance of knowing your audiences, understanding their expectations and how they choose. Your audiences are the one ingredient essential to your success, no matter what you're marketing or the channel you're using. [ Read more ]


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Other popular issues you might find useful

3 vital practices for a successful rebrand

We touch on some of the challenges of a rebrand ... it's a significant and time-consuming project. Be smart about the time it will take, the people who should be involved and how to manage for the best results. And a rebrand can have incredible results. [ Read more ]

3 secrets to a website that grabs visitors

Learn three essential concepts to build into your website. Why is your website vital to your marketing? Because your audiences start online when they're looking for what you offer. Discover "what's in it for me?", "tell me more!" and "wow, looks great!" [ Read more ]

Writing counts even more now, wake up your website

These five tips will improve your writing, no matter what you're writing. Your website, blog, an ad or the newsletter will all be stronger when you use the tools and suggestions included. A review of best practices to make your writing more readable for more people. [ Read more ] 

Print advertising still works. But are your ads lazy?

Magazine ads can be beautiful, inspiring, funny and effective. Yet we're downright horrified at some of the ads we see that should work harder instead of just lying there on the page. A bit of a rant, and links to examples of silly and boring ads. [ Read more ]




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