MARKETLocal airline
New daily passenger airline service in Salem, Oregon.
Business travelers in the mid-Willamette Valley and central Oregon coast; other travelers who want to avoid crowds and parking costs at the Portland airport.
Build excitement for the new service quickly; create a high-impact, multimarket campaign within a specified budget; educate audiences on location of airport (and ease of getting to it).
Create a vibrant brand identity around the campaign theme, “Fly Salem;” plan a multi-media advertising campaign to maximize reach; develop creative for the campaign, including a dual-purpose flyer/newspaper insert, magazine ads, radio and cable spots, luggage tags and stickers for giveaways, and billboards (placed en route to the Portland airport from target markets).
Flights booked at 66% of capacity in the first month of service, 80% in the second month and close to 100% in the third month; a “buzz” among business travelers and others in the target markets.