CLIENTSELCO Community Credit Union
MARKETCredit union
PROGRAMBrand system
Fast-growing, innovative credit union with headquarters in Eugene, Oregon and 10 branches.
Current and potential members of fast-growing and innovative credit union [individuals and businesses) in Lane, Benton, Linn, Deschutes, Marion and Polk counties.
Build on SELCO’s reputation while reinventing the brand to be the “the Nordstrom of credit unions.” Without changing the logo, create an integrated brand program that is distinctive, recognizable and unique in the financial market. Define brand standards and apply them to everything from signing to literature to advertising to the website.
A brand color palette and design elements were created to differentiate between services and to contrast with the “expected” financial communication styles. From soft edges on ads to uncoated, warm-tone paper stock, to a friendly script series of “S” words, starting with “Smile,” all communications were revised and upgraded. Advertising campaigns and brochures were shaped from the member’s point of view, including inset photos of staff and members. Vertical brochures were converted to horizontal, and a new member packet broke from the traditional folder to present a box of information.
The rebranding helped SELCO expand quickly and successfully into new markets, introducing new products and divisions with success.
The ‘road trip’ print ad and direct mail campaign was exactly the kind of funky, eye-catching approach we needed to reach our members. They’ve responded more than we’d hoped!