MARKETModular home design
PROGRAMvent materials
"The right amount of everything.”
Trade show event collateral piece for ideabox helps establish a strong brand message and reflect the company's high-quality energy and resource efficient modular home product offering.
Upscale, ultra-modern and sophisticated design in a simple-to-place, pre-fabricated modular home or vacation cottage.
Savvy home buyers with an affinity for the well-crafted, resource-efficient modern home with “the right amount of everything.”
Boost intrigue, raise ideabox profile and seed prospective buyers at regional Northwest home show by engaging attendees with the ideabox experience and branded takeaway piece.
Produce special event piece with particular appeal to home show attendees; define ideabox brand voice, tone and key message points; incorporate verbal language with ideabox design vocabulary, including site photography, architectural renderings and graphics.
Increased inquiries for current and future home products and expanded interest for ideabox among industry and trade audiences.