Deep thinking + strategic + scope.

A design firm thinks in terms of graphic design solutions. An ad agency focuses primarily on media-based strategies. A web firm programs websites and online tools. Yet your audiences connect at multiple touch points.

Our design thinking guides strategy. Audience-focused channels are chosen to build an integrated program. And we plan, strategize, craft and manage the pieces and components to fit the communication channels your audiences use most.

Different, and we think, a better approach

The depth and breadth of our strategic thinking, the number and range of our clients, and the results we’ve seen over time have defined the approach we call brand optimization.

What’s more, those clients have told us how we’re different from others in our field. And we’ve learned which clients get the most value from our services.

Some design firms …

Some design firms pride themselves on always being ahead of the curve, providing whatever is considered the hottest in tactics, technology and design, being uber cool.

We prefer to consider what’s appropriate for the audiences we’re reaching and the client’s brand, while still keeping up with trends. We will choose the tactics that fit where your target audiences choose to take action — the points of choice. And we still do cool.

Most web design firms …

Web design firms can be experts at web design and programming, but often don’t understand how to develop content that’s marketing driven or integrated with offline strategies. And most web firms don’t integrate those key brand messages into an ongoing organic SEO (search engine optimization) program.

We will design and focus the messaging where it counts — where your audiences will see it — and integrate multiple online and offline tactics. A website is essential these days. Yet it must integrate with the complete brand experience and provide the content your audiences are looking for, in addition to being found when your audiences are searching.

A great logo is not a brand …

There are plenty of designers who can produce great, cool and award-winning logo designs, but not all of them will consider the many versions and variations needed for multiple applications, and then provide vertical and horizontal; color, black and white and grayscale in more than 20 file formats ranging from .jpg to .png to .tif.

And of course, a logo is just the thumbprint of a brand, not the brand. A brand program respects the logo as one element — a signature — but not as the integrated marketing program it can, and should, be.

Attention to detail and extraordinary creative

Our attention to detail spans designing printed materials to run together on one press run (to save money) to delivering a CD of guidelines and more than 20 file formats with every completed logo.

Not only do we deliver extraordinary creative — the ideas and designs that have clients say, “wow, I would have never thought of that!” — we also pay attention to the details that make implementation and management smooth.

We work with clients who no longer want to be “the best kept secret;” or those who know they’re providing outstanding value for their clients, but are not yet recognized for it; or organizations that must refresh and reinvent their brand to shift perceptions; or companies with an in-house marketing team that is too busy to look at big-picture strategy.

Is it time to make a shift in your marketing results? Be seen and recognized for the value you provide?

Ready to transform your marketing? Contact us

Take a look at our pages under “How can we help?”. Can you relate to any of those questions or situations? Yes? Then we should talk.

Give us a call toll-free 866.363.4433 (Pacific time, 8:30 to 5:30), or click on the button above. Let’s see if our services are a fit for you, no charge.