You do it, too, right? When you're thinking about spending your hard-earned money, don't you go online first to learn what you can, compare options and pricing?
Statistics prove both consumers and BtoB buyers are arming themselves with plenty of information before they begin a sales conversation. Colleges and universities are seeing increasing numbers of "stealth" applicants—potential students who resist direct contact until they apply.
The critical questions for your online brand are
As companies are re-working their websites to update for new technology (think mobile/responsive, social and inbound marketing), the visual and verbal brand established in traditional marketing is often out of sync with the online brand experience. It's confusing. You could be losing visitors and potential business.
We bring our deep experience in marketing, messaging and branding to the online brand strategy.
We'll build on what your brand stands for and how it is perceived. And we can help you refine and focus your online brand to support business growth and increase response.
Your website is an essential business tool and a primary point of choice for your audiences. It's essential to your success. With an online branding strategy, it will produce bigger results.
Download our free guidelines and scorecard to check your website and online brand.
Download the web effectiveness scorecard
Download guidelines to a credible website
Inbound marketing builds your online brand by engaging visitors and cultivating their attention. Learn more with our free overview.
Download the inbound marketing overview
We'll work by project, as a consulting strategist or on retainer, whichever works best for you.
Let's talk about your website as a critical business asset, and how we can integrate your online and offline marketing. Call us toll-free at 866.363.4433. Or use the form at the left.